Van and Elsa's 2008-2009 Holiday Newsletter
Name Wishes Jeremy If it's from the Estudillos, then an H & M purple-and-black or grey-and-black striped scarf.
Anyone else, see the list at Jeremy's MySpace.
(Last year: gift certificate)Allison Plain black woven gloves
(Last year: shoe store gift certificate)KJ Apple USB power adapter for iPod
(Last year: ?)Caitlin "Bump It" for hair as seen on TV, or $$ to buy it
(Last year: ?)Zack Anything Marvel Superheroes like Wolverine (except for comics — hard to read) Christian Jr. No wish lists, anything as long as it's from the heart
(Last year: Kirby's Squeak Squad or Microsoft Paint)Dean No wish lists, anything as long as it's from the heart
(Last year: Thrillville or Billy and Mandy)Blake No wish lists, anything as long as it's from the heart
(Last year: Fisher Price STAR STATION)Kennedy Money or anything KK wants to give
(Last year: Trikke tricycle/scooter)Tyler Money or anything KK wants to give
(Last year: Three-wheeled scooter)Reagan Money or anything KK wants to give
(Last year: Pull-Ups or Hot Wheels)Zabethah Cupcake maker or old/reused videos
(Last year: ?)Elijah Any baby toy, any thing, can be old/re-used, anything easy for you to get or from the heart
(Last year: N/A)
Name Wishes (No Kris Kringle gift exchange for the adults this year)
This section is for anonymously-posted "hints" for the gifts, as in, "a little bird says that the Darth Vader light sabers are 50% off this Saturday at Toys R Us" or "a little bird says that black jeans size 9 are preferred over blue ones size 8." If you hear a little bird saying something, pass it on to Uncle Van.
A Little Bird Says...
- need to buy The Audacity of Hope. (See the note.)